California Baby SunscreenAccording to the American Journal of Public Health, (
Vol. 82, No. 4, April 1992, pp. 614-15), melanoma has been on the rise in areas with heavy sunscreen use.Whatever happened to the good old days when sunscreen was supposed to help prevent skin cancer? I was absolutely shocked to visit my local drugstore and read the sunscreen labels, only to find that not a single one of them was free of the multitudes of cancer-causing agents that plague bottled sunscreens.
Sadly, the health food store wasn't much better. The best sunscreen I found was
California Baby, which has mostly natural ingredients, but I have to admit, it's not fool-proof either. The main ingredient, Titanium Dioxide, seems almost unavoidable these days. I was, however happy to see
California Baby Sunscreen was PABA-free and devoid of most of the other carcinogenic chemicals that other sunscreen bottles.
On our last trip to the zoo, I learned that hippos actually sweat a natural sunscreen substance. I haven't quite figured out how to scale the fence and jump the moat at the zoo to rub up against a hippo before I expose myself to the sun's harmful rays, but if I one day do, I'll finally have a five-star sunscreen to review on this blog.
Until then, I'll stick with
California Baby Sunscreen.